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  1. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Hiya everyone, well just an update on Daisy's chick, and his brothers and sister... out of all 5 chicks only 1 was a hen, and the other 4 were sadly cockerals, even Daisy's chick.. sadly I could not keep anymore cockerals and had to rehome them, they all went together on a 3 acre farm, where the...
  2. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Here are some pics of Daisy's chick, and the others Daisy's Chick (cockeral) The chick that had wry neck (Hen) (Hen) (Cockeral) (Cockeral) They are really big now, cant believe how quick they grow
  3. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    lol Hiya everyone, well daisy's chick is doing fab.. Def a cockeral, and a feisty one at that.. He will take on anything even my huge american bulldog lol... He bullies the other chicks to show them he is top dog, would make a good guard chicken for anyones hens lol.. Sadly we have no room to...
  4. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Hahaha I agree sometimes they attack my hand when I go to pet them, then they realise it is my hand and make little clucking noises
  5. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Thankyou, and I cannot believe how fast they are growing.. they are lovely natured and love nothing better than to lounge in the sun
  6. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Hiya everyone.. Thought I would update you on Daisys chick... Today I was sitting in the garden watching them while they were out in the yard having a frolick.. and daisys chick decided to pick on another polish I have, who is 6 months old... and then faced upto my dog who is an american...
  7. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: I am sorry to hear about Cosmo, I am glad you have some of his little chicks.. To carry on his genes Here are a few pictures I took yesterday of the chicks when they made there great escape into the garden, as you will see Daisys chick is looking rather rooish
  8. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: I agree I cannot keep up with the speed they grow lol... I am amazed by the recovery of the other chick... I am glad my DB refused to cull after some slight improvement
  9. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Hiya Daisy's egg hatched 6 weeks ago.. You can see daisy's baby in the pictures throughout this thread... Daisy chick is the only yellow one in the bunch of chicks hatched
  10. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    I have just taken some quick pictures.. It gets harder to get good ones now there older, they dont stand still for more than a second They are now 6 weeks old.. The chick who had wry neck (as you can see no sign of it at all) And again the chick in the middle that had wry neck, with...
  11. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Ahh thankyou, they are growing sooo quick, they are outside in the old brick outhouse, converted into a growing coop... I find it helps get them ready to move to a big chickie coop, as they dont get cold due to the type of building it is... They are doing fab.. I will try get some...
  12. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: It is sad at times raising chickens, I hate it when one gets ill, or has to be culled, but its the best for the chicken in the long run..)
  13. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: They are growing so quick I cant believe it.. I am not too sure yet on gender, when I think yes Blossom (Daisy 2) is a she.. she will do something roo'ish (Her legs are alot thinner than the others which is a good sign.. I hope lol).
  14. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: They are growing sooo quick.. I dont know it was the smallest of the lot.. So maybe it got stamped on or pecked at by the others, They are still on chick crumb, and have plenty of greens in their diet, out all day, and in at night.. It is sad, I hate having to cull any The others are...
  15. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    lol hiya everyone... well Blossom (Daisy 2) is doing great nearly 5 weeks old now... and growing so fast.. sadly one of the other chicks has got wry neck, started yesterday, and was just a slight tilt.. But today it has gotten rather bad, sometimes it seems to be fine, with a slight tilt, then...
  16. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Thankyou its a prince.. another one to add to my other 3 princes It is a king suro and we love it, so easy to use.
  17. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: it was hilarious is was more like a hop and flap.. but it was cute
  18. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Yes that is Blossom? flying, or as everyone else calls her Daisy number 2.. I am out voted.... I may just call her blossom and everyone else can call her daisy
  19. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Hiya everyone as promised the chicks went back into the garden today.. weather is lovelY and hot.. here are some pictures, as you will see they have grown alot It was very hard to get pictures of them standing still as they were so excited kids hey *WARNING PIC HEAVY*
  20. teresa-78

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    Quote: Hahaha sorry everyone I was just thinking I should get some more pictures to put on, as they are changing so much, they spent the day in the garden today, in a run, and loved it... They were not keen when the big hens came over to investigate, and where pleased when I moved them on. I...
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