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  1. Cindilou

    Can I put a rabbit in my coop/run with the chickens?

    That's true. So is it just a-toss them into the run with food and bunny activity items and hope they don't get out-type thing or do people place wire meshing really far down to keep them in? This is just interesting. I've always wanted a rabbit or two since I was a kid but never was able to...
  2. Cindilou

    Can I put a rabbit in my coop/run with the chickens?

    If my run has .5 inch construction mesh going down a foot beneath the soil is that enough to keep a bunny from getting through? Or are they just super diggers?
  3. Cindilou

    Can I put a rabbit in my coop/run with the chickens?

    I've seen this She seems to have a rabbit in the run but I would also like to hear about how it works out from others on here.
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