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  1. jeanniejayne

    Eggs in Incubator..count down to May 21!!

    Well, it's nice to have company! My husband and I opened the "dead" eggs to find 3 perfectly formed chicks -- 2 Buff Orps and another Marans, and a fourth Marans not quite fully formed. Guess we'll never know why those 3 never pipped. Maybe those few dry hours were all it took. I think it's...
  2. jeanniejayne

    Eggs in Incubator..count down to May 21!!

    Well here I am on May 30. From 13 eggs -- 7 Black copper Marans and 6 Orps, two hatched, both Marans. They were bubble-wrapped individually, shipped during a week that was mild, temp-wise, and all arrived in one piece. They were also surrounded with packing peanuts, in one smaller box that was...
  3. jeanniejayne

    Eggs in Incubator..count down to May 21!!

    I don't think I am going ot try to candle -- maybe do a sniff test! I have mostly Marans eggsa nd can't imagine seeing much. but do have 4 Orps, so maybe I will try them. Do also not have humidity monitor -- Hova said just fill middle tray and don't worry. It has so far been very easy to...
  4. jeanniejayne

    Eggs in Incubator..count down to May 21!!

    How cool! I am going to be starting my onw first hatch later this week -- Black Copper Marans, Buff and Balck Orps. I am reading Bob Sheasley's delightful book "Home to Roost", on the history of chickens and his own small fam in Pennsylvania. He was just mentioning how hens "talk" to their...
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