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  1. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    He's back in the nest with his siblings tonight. I'm concerned that mama won't be able to feed them with them in a flowerpot on its side, but DH says she'll figure it out. I set up the tent of sticks as you suggested Equine and will check in the morning to see if its been disturbed. We are...
  2. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    Quote: Thanks so much! Yes, he already let me know that he was too warm on the heating pad. He has started moving around and his eyes look good. I know how to check for dehydration in humans by pulling on the skin and judging the amount of time it takes to return to normal. I assume it's...
  3. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    Quote: These babies are all furry now. I slathered my hands in vanilla because I remember reading somewhere that it covers the human smell. Whether or not that's true, it was the only thing I could think of at the time. I had to act quickly because we were in the middle of a torrential rain...
  4. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    Quote: Great idea about the sticks, thanks! I was wondering how to tell if mama had found them, but couldn't quite figure it out. DH said he saw a grown rabbit run through the yard when he came home from work late last night. I tried to catch a glance at the babies this morning without...
  5. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    Quote: No animal rehabs close. Our only animal shelter is run by an illiterate cop wannabe that I had to instruct in the proper care of his own puppy. DH says to let nature take its course, by if that's going to happen Mother Nature needs to stop dropping surprises off in the yard for me...
  6. gritsar

    Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE

    My chickens just discovered a nest of 5 wild baby bunnies in the yard. Inspecting things, I realized that the flooding rain we are having has sealed up their den and they were crammed up against the closed entrance. I couldn't leave them there. Our two german shepherds would make short work...
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