Wild baby bunnies flooded out of their nest! Another UPDATE


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My chickens just discovered a nest of 5 wild baby bunnies in the yard. Inspecting things, I realized that the flooding rain we are having has sealed up their den and they were crammed up against the closed entrance. I couldn't leave them there. Our two german shepherds would make short work of them. I filled an old, large flower pot with hay and set it under some cedar trees just outside the yard fence, parellel with their location. Washed my hands well and then coated them in vanilla, then moved them.

The babies eyes are open and each is about 4" long. I feel really bad about leaving them out there. We have alot of black snakes around; especially this time of year.

Spilt milk, but what should I have done?
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Not sure I am sure mom will find them, at least by hearing them. Keeping fingers crosses. Is there a rehab center that might help. I know here if I call the dog pound they gave me a list of people who take in baby animals.
No animal rehabs close. Our only animal shelter is run by an illiterate cop wannabe that I had to instruct in the proper care of his own puppy.

DH says to let nature take its course, by if that's going to happen Mother Nature needs to stop dropping surprises off in the yard for me to find them. This after the wild baby bird thing this morning.
If I was in your situation I would take them in. I'm a softy though... I can't leave anything outside knowing its going to starve to death, especially little babies.
Eyes open is good, they are a decent size as well. Please keep in mind mother rabbits only visit twice a day to nurse, so we recommend crossing some sticks over the nest (or pot, in this case) to see if they are disturbed by the next morning then you'll know mom came back. Honestly, its not easy to rehab bunnies, they die quite easily just from fright and trying to keep the dogs away and not have the rabbits acclimate too much to the sound/smell of human and dog will be tough.

You did the best you could
See if they are there tomorrow, or if possible dig a hole and make a nest of sorts, since that would be more natural for the mother. They don't go in the nest as much as stand over top of it so babies can pop up, nurse, then hunker back down while she hops away.

PM me if you have other questions or decide to take them in...but give mama a chance to find them.
thats a tricky one! I had bunnys all growing up we used to breed them. but one thing is that we never touched them until they were furry and hopping around because we had one mommy that would abandon them if she smelt any different sents on them.
but since they are wild rabbits maybe they are more tollerant! if i where you i'd check on them later and then make a judgement call, to intervene or to let nature take control. Either way don't feel guilty!
Great idea about the sticks, thanks! I was wondering how to tell if mama had found them, but couldn't quite figure it out. DH said he saw a grown rabbit run through the yard when he came home from work late last night. I tried to catch a glance at the babies this morning without going too close. They're still in their makeshift nest, nice and dry and "chirping".

There is another problem though, that I forgot to mention last night. One of the babies got away from me when I was moving them. He ran behind an old tree stump that is covered in poison oak. I did my best to locate him but couldn't. This morning I decided to try to check the old nest and sure enough there he was. Laying in the puddle of cold water that used to be their nest. He's near death. I brought him in and gave him a good rub down in a towel, to stimulate his circulation. He's now on a heating pad (low) in a shoe box.

Provided he makes it through the next few hours - eyes open and approx. 4" long - what does that say about his age? Do I need to get some KMR to feed him or can I try greens and some alfafa hay?

These babies are all furry now. I slathered my hands in vanilla because I remember reading somewhere that it covers the human smell. Whether or not that's true, it was the only thing I could think of at the time. I had to act quickly because we were in the middle of a torrential rain and hailstorm. I needed to get them to dry shelter asap.

Thanks for the input.
I wish I knew something about bunnies. I would call my vet and ask for advice. I'm a softie too and couldn't leave them to die. They're just babies and defenseless. I would see it that I was meant to find and help them and would at least try.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
Sorry I don't have any advice to offer but wanted to mention, do you have a wildlife rehab center you can call? They will be able to tell you what to do and may even take the little one you had to bring inside if you need them to.

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