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  1. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi every one haven't been on In a while been crazy busy. Got a lot of my chicken work done yesterday. It was so pretty outside. My americonas are getting so pretty they are 4 1/2 months old. I separated birds and sold all the roosters so I wouldn't be breeding brother to sister and at auction I...
  2. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    By the way I enjoyed all the paintings and baby chicken pics.
  3. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hello fello BYC Okies I just moved some americona birdies today out of the brooder to a grow out pen and counted how many I had I have 9 Roos out of 39 after I let jack pick out five blue and blue splash pullets. I have a question what do y'all use for preventing mites I have heard 7 dust but...
  4. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I am thinking rooster to. As for the breed my mom has some look just like him they are red laced blue winedott. You might google red laced blue winedott see what comes up. I'm not a good speller so winedott is probably misspelled. :)oops wyndot maybe lol
  5. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi every one haven't been on in a while hope every one and their chickens did ok through the heat. I have added Oegb's and turkeys and puffy cheeks (Americanas) since I last was on here so flock is growing rapidly :) lol that's ok tho I love to sit and watch them in the evenings it's like chicken tv
  6. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    My hen that I brought in the house yesterday is doing better today but still not her self she will stand and walk around for short periods of time but is sleeping a lot I will not let her go outside till she is back to normal I haven't lost one yet and I gonna do whatever I can to not lose any
  7. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thank you I will do that now thanks again.
  8. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I have a hen in the middle of my living room floor heat exhausted. I have cooled her off in water put ice bottles under her wings and gave her a 1/2 cup of water through a seringe in the mouth till she quit swallowing she is wings spred laying in the floor in the a/c what else can I do for her?
  9. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi and welcome to the Okies thread my birds are taking the heat pretty good no losses yet. Fingers crossed hopefully none to come. I have a fan on mine plenty of shade and fresh cold water. What kinda chicken do you have?
  10. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    HELP! How do you clip the beak of a crossed beak? I have asked a few people but I scared I'm gonna hurt them. I have two they are so sweet and I want to give them the best life I can so and suggestions ? Thanx
  11. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I have 23 Roos and 5 of them came from people that had to get rid of them because of aggression I tamed them down by holding them A LOT I will carry them around as I do chores outside I just hold them and talk to them and give them treats and take a lawn chair and just sit in their coop. Pretty...
  12. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi every one I have not been on in awhile I missed y'all Okies. Bird updates are 7 new turkeys 16 new babby americonas 3 new black copper hens 1 new black copper roo 3 new rode island reds and had six new naked necks but I gave them to friends. Good news my DH converted to a bird person the...
  13. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    My little americona chicks are growing fast and are starting to get their colors. My chicks are blue black and splash. The splash chicks are turning out beautiful. Does any one have a pic of a full grown blue splash americona?
  14. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on in a while just been crazy busy. I went to Newcastle auction last night and my hubby wanted some turkeys so I bought him two little ones. He is not all into birds as much as I am but when he said he wanted a turkey I was shocked so I was glad to buy him some...
  15. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Good evening all. Every thing is good here all animals are ok I was worried about them today while I was at work but everyone is fine. Chickens have new tarps on top of runs for shade new fans for air and ice bottles they are happy chickiees.
  16. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi y'all went to work came home did house work then worked out side till dark I'm ready for some rest I hung brand new box fans for the chickens earlier and gave fresh cold water and cold lettuce along with feed for the chickens dinner. They was happy little chickens. I have a question. If a...
  17. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I will second that. If your at work how r u on byc arent you supposed to be working lol You started it I'm just getting you back :Dlol today just happens to be my day off
  18. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    My door is on the coop. Haha beat you to it 5 acre farm
  19. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Only by one but if you was out hanging your door like I was instead of on the computer I would have got my door on first and then beat you back to the computer so you cheated :D lol
  20. Elie mea

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi y'all just finished my pen it got hot on me but I was so close to being done so just dealt with the heat . Got the house in there and a swimming pool then moved the baby guineas and baby ducks they look so happy to be out of the cramped brooded.
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