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  1. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I'm wasn't at the action. I was hard at work earning money to pay for chicken feed. lol. I wish I was there. I love your flock. I have to ask. What is the thing with the tractor tires hanging? What did you recycle the tires into? Today is beautiful. We are going to be outside for a...
  2. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    For you to take trees and green waste yes you need a Tulsa address ID. Because this is paid for through Tulsa Utilities. But if you are just getting mulch there is no ID required. They want as many people using the mulch as possible. They also have logs and tree limbs for free for firewood...
  3. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I am so sorry. That is tragic. I really hope your pea fowl return, and hope your babies heal ok. Yes this wind sure is something else.I think this wind has its months confused. It is not MARCH YET!! So far we are faring ok with the wind. We have a shed that desparately needs to be...
  4. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Last year we did about 30 chicks (broilers and egg layers). I used pine shavings in 2 large 50 gallon rubbermaid tubs. They worked well. I did have to start cleaning the brooder twice a day. But soon after that it was warm enough the chicks could go out during the day and it wasn't too bad...
  5. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    @lonnyandrinda We did lose the roof to my kids playhouse and I'm really worried about the shed roof. My poor Bantam OEG roo is getting pushed around by the wind! He can't stand in one place at all. He is hiding out in the feed hut. The Silkies are holding their own though with the wind...
  6. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Good morning everyone! How is everyone! Update on my little hen. I had a nice chat with @BetsyOK on Monday and got some great advice. But it looks like I'm too much of a worry wart/hovering mother because that afternoon my daughter found this in the coop. All my worry is for...
  7. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Oh yes. I do read the Almanac and trust it too. The back yard garden was heavily mulched in the fall (most of the beds) and I am leaving it alone except to clean up what I didn't in the fall. But I have a little bed in the front that is on the south side and shelterd a bit. So I am going to...
  8. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Have not been on few a few weeks, and I am ignoring laundry to sip coffee and catch up here. :) Good morning everyone! I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather. :) My garden is calling to me. But sadly I have been working alot andnow I have two icky feeling chickletts, the 2 legged non...
  9. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    My unexperienced eye thinks that is a little cockeral. but I am still learning. I do think it is a cockeral. My Buff Orp I had last year was the last one to lay. I think she took 30 weeks. But by the time she started laying, her eggs were bigger newbie eggs than my other layers were...
  10. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    One more post before I head to work. This rooster is so spoiled by his human he is falling asleep in her lap. lol
  11. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I agree too... It will be too hard to dubb/cut. I really do not understand why that is still part of the standard? I think we are just going to show the silkies, but take the OEG along and ask some one for tips and opinions. He might become a part of a breeding program? Or he just may...
  12. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I know it is very competitive. But we have the OEG and silkies and it would be a learning experience for my girls. We need to start somewhere. :) He has droopy wings. he is really pretty but I think the droopy wings would count against him. I like winter too. I would not mind the cold so...
  13. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    @SonRise Silkies I really hope you get a reply and find what you are looking for. The silkies are my daughter's 4H projects. I got them intending to show. They need baths abd a little feather tlc because they were both in a larger flock. The OEG was unexpected. (help the chicken math is...
  14. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Good morning. How is everyone? It is a beautiful day. It is cold but I am not complaining. I am brewing a pot of coffee - more cups than usual - but still one pot. ;) Last Sunday we went to @BetsyOk and picked up a pair of Silkies. The lighting is horrible. But it is a Blue hen and Self...
  15. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I totally understand @i-love-my-honey My hubby is in school full time, working full time plus weekend job when he can get one. I work part time plus home school our kids. Our life is really really crazy. But I am glad we are in 4H. That is so neat that you coach! I hope you can find...
  16. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thanks. Yes I would LOVE to have a trio. But we just don't have it in the budget to buy 3. Even though @BetsyOK is being very gracious with her pricing on this pair. My hope is that I can get a really nice pullet chick from a hatch from this pair. My understanding is that you can...
  17. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Oh my goodness!!! Lol. I bet it gets noisy. Does he have a website? I want to build a chicken tractor, but I don't know if I will have time. I am considering getting an old baby play pen from the thrift store to use to keep the Silkies inside in. I don't know if my hubby will allow that...
  18. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I really like that this one is so close. It really is within driving distance. However. There is no email contact I can find. And the last time the blog was updated was in 2011. I can't even find it on FB. So I do not know if they are even in business still?
  19. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I am still "newer" to chickens. But I am glad Igot my first chicks last year from hatchey stock. That way I could figure out what I like. I really LIKE them ALL. But there are some I fell in love with. I love Orphington, Astraulorp, Dottes. I want one of each, plus the Sussexs I'm...
  20. SimplyMe_AngieD

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Too cute. And I love the "barring???" on your rooster.
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