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  1. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    They are sooo cute! You will find homes for them. We now have 5 dogs because we kept one from Lily's first litter and then I had two homes back out on the last boy from that first litter and he just sort of stayed. I'm glad he did because he is such a goober and he makes my husband laugh all...
  2. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    Quote: And I always have more requests for girls and then get a lot of boys!
  3. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    little poopies Ain't that the truth! That's what we always call them once they get up walking around!
  4. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    Congrats on the first three so far! I will be checking in periodically to see how many more!
  5. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    Lily never threw up for either litter that she had. She had a decreased appetite but no puking. Her last litter though she didn't want to drink the next day and that freaked us out. Took her to the vet, but she was fine. We gave her some clear broth to get her drinking again.
  6. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    I just wish I were closer - I would come help That pic where she is looking at the camera - her face says "this sucks - get them out!"
  7. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    It sounds like the early stages of labor. It still may be a day away though. I can't wait to hear a temp update AND how many puppies there actually are. I gave my dog yogurt for the calcium boost and I gave some small amounts between puppies (like a spoonful).
  8. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    Quote: I do believe she is on day 57 today. Getting really close!
  9. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    We gave a "soak" for our dogs "lady bits" after she had her puppies. Not a complete bath but just enough to clean her off. Birthing is messy but I am sure you already know that!
  10. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    How is your baby this morning?
  11. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    Did you get your new thermometer?
  12. pbjmaker

    Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

    I am so excited for you - I have whelped two litters of puppies and they are so fun, especially if you have a good mama! How far are you from Des Moines?
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