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  1. Momagain1

    These 3 wk old chicks are about to make me

    yes airflow; yes proper amount of room... we had NO probs w/the last batch of chicks in the same brooder etc...and we had MORE chicks in that brooder in the same room, same air flow (actually less cause it was colder out) and same foods/shavings etc.. this time around; we have much more air...
  2. Momagain1

    These 3 wk old chicks are about to make me

    No, I just put the pdz in yesterday due to the smell...
  3. Momagain1

    These 3 wk old chicks are about to make me

    the same as before; pine shavings and paper towel; then we use sweet PDZ w/them...we didnt before... we use the same as my other chicks; chick medicated starter...
  4. Momagain1

    These 3 wk old chicks are about to make me

    hurl! They are SOOO stinky...I'm not sure why!? We are cleaning their brooder out ALL OF THE TIME..thinking that it is just that..but it has to be THEM... My son says; "The military should use these chicks as stink bombs; they'd be cheaper"... what can we do?? I dont know if it is the breeds...
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