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  1. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Quote: You know what though, you tried your best! I think you did the right thing. At least she isn't suffering anymore. You could always open her up and look at her neck and crop and see if there is any sign of something you could look out for if another chicken ends up with it. Just a...
  2. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Quote: You know what though, you tried your best! I think you did the right thing. At least she isn't suffering anymore. You could always open her up and look at her neck and crop and see if there is any sign of something you could look out for if another chicken ends up with it. Just a thought.
  3. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    BTW-If it was sour crop, I would think the combonation of what you gave her (although you were trying your best treatment not knowing what was wrong) could maybe have made her crop feel ickier maybe? I am hoping for the best for you and your chick. : )
  4. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Quote: My chcken's crop was empty too. It felt like a deflated balloon. She could not stand up and she just layed her head stretched out. She was also tweeking her neck kind of side to side almost like she was having convultions. So, it might be worth trying to give her water to help flush out...
  5. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Quote: My chcken's crop was empty too. It felt like a deflated balloon. She could not stand up and she just layed her head stretched out. She was also tweeking her neck kind of side to side almost like she was having convultions. So, it might be worth trying to give her water to help flush out...
  6. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Quote: there is no foul smell, and the reason i dont think its her crop is because you virtually feel nothing in the crop. I think everything is digested, and shes not eating anything right now, she has started trembling. . first time i have seen her do that. I just dont want this to keep...
  7. hmmcc123

    Chick with possible Gape worms or Respritory issues???

    Could it be her crop? Maybe sour crop? My chicken went through this recently. Your chicken may be trying to vomit but I understand they can't really, you will have to help her. Try holding her head tipped down a bit away from you. (I would maybe straw or dropper give her water first.) Then...
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