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  1. Enslaved-by-Ducks

    Neighbor's hen

    No big's all good and BTW, I already love you because you also have two Great Pyreneese.....I adopted one about 7 months ago. I adore Her and she is just not the least bit interested in the chickens or ducks. They walk around her when she is lying in the yard. Never has she chased...
  2. Enslaved-by-Ducks

    Neighbor's hen

    Thanks for your opinion Remuda1 however I was only confused by where the hen was roosting at night. Out in the open was what I was envisioning...I also respect the decision of the " OP " to not integrate if he or she feels fit. My only concern at the time was the safety of the poor hen being...
  3. Enslaved-by-Ducks

    Neighbor's hen

    Sounds complicated....If you are adopting this bird, why don't you want to integrate ? I don't understand. Is this GG a Rooster or a hen ? I would assume you don't want to integrate because of your rooster or desease or you think the stray should just live out in the yard and free range. This...
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