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  1. Chicken Mama 6

    months of the kids begging and the feedstore was sold out of chicks :(

    I have been watching Craigslist, but all I have seen is people trying to get rid of unwanted roosters. I can't have a rooster where I live. We are in western Massachusetts. We have plenty of land, just a small coop at the moment (*dreaming of expanding*) so we wanted to just add two chicks. The...
  2. Chicken Mama 6

    months of the kids begging and the feedstore was sold out of chicks :(

    We have 6 wonderful hens and not a ton of space. The kids have been begging to get just 2 more chicks for months, today I finally gave in. Drove the 40 minutes to the feed store and the guy tells me they just sold the last 16 chicks of the season to a guy who got there 10 minutes before me. I...
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