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  1. Gersbud

    Very strange happenings going on

    Thanks, I will keep a close eye on the run and the coop. My girls are shut in at night. When this happens is usually near dusk and I have never found anything not even a small fluffy feather left. That darn fox(if that is who it is) has a rude awakening coming. I will get him even if I have to...
  2. Gersbud

    Very strange happenings going on

    I was thinking that it may be a fox. I have them in a secure coop and run right now. I do have a live trap set out but have had no takers, except of course my 2 cats and my daughters kitten, which are all afraid of the chickens. So I will just have to wait and see what I catch next. Thanks Bryan
  3. Gersbud

    Very strange happenings going on

    Since I have moved to my new home I have been able to let my adult hens and the rooster free range, as well as my pullets. I use to have 16 hens and 17 new pullets but within the last two weeks I have been cut down to only 6 adult hens, 17 pullets and 1 rooster. I can find no evidence of what...
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