Very strange happenings going on


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Central Michigan
Since I have moved to my new home I have been able to let my adult hens and the rooster free range, as well as my pullets. I use to have 16 hens and 17 new pullets but within the last two weeks I have been cut down to only 6 adult hens, 17 pullets and 1 rooster. I can find no evidence of what has happened to them. I have not seen or heard any strange noises or goings on.
The only thing that is strange is that in the morning I let all the girls out to roam and when it comes to bedtime, everyone but the pullets go to bed but when a head count is taken there is always one less. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?
For the time being until I know what is happening I have them all in their coup and only let out in a covered pen. Someone please help???
banging my head against the wall over this
Sounds like you have a fox visiting you. You need to either lock down in a secure run, trap and dispose of it, shoot it, or fence it out (either electric or conventinal fencing) It's going to keep hitting you till you stop it.
I was thinking that it may be a fox. I have them in a secure coop and run right now. I do have a live trap set out but have had no takers, except of course my 2 cats and my daughters kitten, which are all afraid of the chickens. So I will just have to wait and see what I catch next. Thanks Bryan
Thanks, I will keep a close eye on the run and the coop. My girls are shut in at night.
When this happens is usually near dusk and I have never found anything not even a small fluffy feather left.
That darn fox(if that is who it is) has a rude awakening coming. I will get him even if I have to sit outside with a 22 to catch him. Absloutly hate critters messing with my girls
It sounds like what keeps hitting my chickens. It runs off with them without any kind of trace. I had one Silkie decide to make her nest up in the corner of my porch. It came right up and got her in the middle of the night and ate her eggs right on the spot. I am going to put a not so humane (but legal) trap down behind there (no there are no cats or dogs that could accidentally get in the trap).
I'd guess fox or large bird of prey. I have hawks and eagles. They dont leave alot of feathers behind, sometimes just a head. So heartbreaking. It sometimes feels like I have a free chicken take-out restaurant for eagles. Othertimes, I won't lose any for months. When I suspect fox or raccoons, I let my huge dogs sleep in the pen for a few nights. My dogs like chickens as friends, not food. The dog barks and scares away ground predators. I think the dog urine smell helps scare away predators, as well.

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