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  1. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Hi everyone. Finally good news! Hope's previous owner brought me another sick chick yesterday. Same problem as Hope, it seems. I phoned the vet and asked him for advice. Gave her antibiotics and I went and bought some multivitamin stress medicine for chickens to give her a boost. I think I...
  2. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Had a chat with Hope's previous owner and made him promise in future to bring me any sick/injured chicks immediately. Apparently Hope was sick for quite awhile, not just a week as he told me at first. He looked a bit sheepish when I told him about the effort we made with her and that it would've...
  3. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: You've just quoted me! I say that all the time. In fact I'm planning on taking it one step further... I'm planning on getting another tattoo soon, well, as soon as I can afford to go to a really skilled artist. I don't have a design yet, but I'm thinking a hand holding a small chick...
  4. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Rest in Peace, little Hope. "If love alone could save you, you never would've died"
  5. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    I went to the doctor's surgery today and asked the doc for antibiotics for Hope. The vet just can't get any! So I figured desperate times calls for desperate measures. The doctor prescribed antibiotics that he knows will be safe to use for chicks and I've given her a bit, much diluted with...
  6. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: No, but I will. Did read "The good good pig" by Sy Montgomery. Excellent book and she's written one about her chickens now, which I'm trying to get a copy of.
  7. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: That's exactly what I say to people when they say this about any other creature. Species elitism really ticks me off. Do they REALLY think humans are more important than ANYTHING on this planet? Please, give me a break! You've just quoted me! I say that all the time. In fact I'm...
  8. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: I wish we had a lot more people like you in this world:hugs
  9. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: Where there's life there's hope. Sounds like you have a wonderful job. Tell me more?
  10. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Thanks for your support and advice:) I live on the outskirts of a small town (population about 15 000 for the whole town and area area) in South Africa. The nearest big town is just over 30 miles away. And my notoriously unreliable car packed up again (I'm thinking of selling her and getting...
  11. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Thank you everyone for the good wishes and advice:) Little bit's still hanging in there, looking a bit better today. I'll keep you posted.
  12. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    Quote: Unfortunately he does...
  13. sumi

    Other people's attitudes toward chickens*Update* Another one

    I've been nursing a sick chick since yesterday and after today I can't help but wonder: what is WRONG with people? I rescued a poor little 4-week-old chick that I found at a friend's house. He happily gave it to me after telling me the poor thing's been like that for a whole week. The chick had...
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