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  1. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I heard a peep! We are not due till tomorrow but was still getting bummed. "is there any life in there?". So excited I heard a li'l peep. At least I know we are still in the race. Marans eggs so could not even see movement when I set them for lockdown.
  2. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: I love the pipping time, the anticipation! The 19 and 20th days are hardest for me. I feel like they will never pip. Once I see one little pip my mood will change to all joy and optimism. Lol!!
  3. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: So you turned them before incubating? That is interesting. I am starting today with some shipped eggs in the incubator and the turner off. My cells are a little less than perfect so I thought keeping them straight up for a few days might help. Hmmm Interesting ideas...
  4. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I moved 3 eggs to the hatcher tonight. They are marans eggs so it is hard to see any movement in them. I am really hoping to get a pip out of this batch. I started with 16. sigh.. shipped eggs. sigh again.....
  5. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: awwww sad eyes.. the poor thing. I had a hen sit for 5 weeks and all the eggs were no good. She finally got off them and gave up. She had to go back to being the lowest on the pecking order. She seemed sad to me too. Poor thing. All that work and no babies.
  6. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: I have it on video! I set my iphone on top of the incubator and set it to record. It is like 10 mins long. I am trying to send it to myself now and then upload it.
  7. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I kinda thought that meant if you have a few egg cartons. I just cut up one 18 pack egg carton cuz I will probably only set 10 eggs into it. I was careful also to push my dish with folded up wet paper towels as far into one corner as I could. I watched my chick from my first hatch flop around...
  8. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: Before they explode!! oh lord please don't let that egg explode... lol! How funny... that is EXACTLY what I was doing a half hour ago... cutting up egg cartons... lol I am not making this up I swear.. lol Ok 1-3 days before pipping. Maybe I will put them in lockdown wednesday...
  9. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: Most of mine are due on the 30/31 too!! Plus 6 on the 4th. I also was getting the brooder ready for when the hatchout starts!! Just getting everything together ahead of time as I'm not sure the D'Unccles will wait til hatch date!! With your wiggler being a LF..... that would make...
  10. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    My solid blue marans from peachick are due to hatch on 7/31.. sunday. Today is the 16th day and was in my "incubating room" just kinda getting set up. Putting new paper towels down, filling water channels, setting up thermometers in my hatcher. I have been trying to really ignore this batch...
  11. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    aww how awesome!!. Your right , it is a miracle! Quote: I'm bawling like a baby. Got out to open the coop and let the girls out at 5:45 this morning. I HAVE TWO CHICKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could hardly believe it at first, I just leaned over the...
  12. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Quote: Christie, Sorry to hear about your Ameraucana hatch I was hoping you would get a good hatch. I hatched some from Denise also and they are very nice. I was concerned when they arrived because PO handled them rough so I changed my usual incubating strategy. The air cells looked pretty...
  13. Christie Rhae

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I am joining ya! I have marans eggs from peachick that I set on July 10th. I expect them on the 31st. This is my second hatch experience. I just yesterday closed up shop on my first hatch. I hatched only one little wheaten ameraucana from that batch. I am going to follow the rules...
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