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  1. Kansas Gal

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I don't have photo shop. I know how to put pictures on here for sure. I just tried to upload a picture, but obviously didn't do it right, of course. I have to get to bed, so don't have time to really 'study' this thing, but I do need to learn how to do it! Anyway, we got a total of 4 guineas. I...
  2. Kansas Gal

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Those are definitely some cool looking chicks! I took pictures of my two guineas today. I have two more working their way out of their shells, and a bit of a crack in a fifth egg. Will see if there is any progress there by tomorrow. I would send pictures, but not sure how to do it!
  3. Kansas Gal

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Sounds like you DEFINITELY have some interesting chicks hatching! HA! As for me, still only one guinea, but there are at least 4 chicks that are working on making their way out. A friend told me to spray the shells with lukewarm water, to help soften it, as guinea shells are so hard. I also did...
  4. Kansas Gal

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    Henrietta is definitely my favorite chicken! Here I have 50+ chickens, but she always runs out in front of me and squats down, wanting to be picked up. Then, she makes this satisfied little noise in my arms. Nothing like it!
  5. Kansas Gal

    July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

    I have 11 misc Guinea eggs. One little guy hatched today (August 4) but they are not due until the 6th. This is my first hatch, so I am excited. Four of the other eggs are beginning to show small cracks in them! Exciting times! This litte guy is so cute, but am anxious for more! Also, a friend...
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