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  1. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    thats great guitarist!!! congrats on the new fuzzy butts...! coffee... i emptyed it a little
  2. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    i got 7!!!!!! wooohooo! im right there with ya mom2emall... uggg . i have 4 others that havent piped and its driving me crazy! the las egg that hatched was huge! compared to the rest and i thought it was gonna be a cochin for sure,,, but i HAS 5 TOES! so its a silkie! woohoo! 5 of thr chicks tht...
  3. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    yes they were a bit high but not by mcuh... about 100.5 or so with forced air.. i got another one zipping !!!! i really hope i get a silkie... if i dont im gonna but still be happy cuz i got a chick.. mixed emotins.... i should have just gotten pure silkies. less mabye my next...
  4. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    I GOT A CHICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just hatched bout a half hour ago! and 3 pips with one starting to zip!1!!!!!! looks like its working! i think the chick is a blue cochin... its really blue. lol
  5. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    lol... its the oppiste for me.. im a guy.. and she doesnt care much bout the eggs.. LOL ! ahhh! its the end of day 19.. nothing yet. still really early... ughhhh its killing me. my window on my bator is all smuggy from my face squishing to it.. LMAO. i sooo hooppppeee i get to see some signs...
  6. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    ok so i am totally going to use the carton because i heard some of the sob stories of people who had eggs rool and mess up other hatches.. so im using the carton.. no rubber matting.. yet. its day 19 ... nothing yet.. but its earlly still.. im hoping for a good hatch i bummped up the humidity...
  7. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    lol coffee! yeah im still being chicken too.. lol i think im gonna use the carton tho.. just cuz it will keep eggs from rolling. i love BLRW they are posibly rhe prettiest birds ever. espesially the roos goregous.. bantams are awesome perfect size !
  8. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    i was worried about that to. but i just started out from the begining with it and havent had a problem.. it will definatly make things to the point of adjusting. but it works well for turning. so i think im gonna use the carton to hatch. wednesday is the 21.. the due date. im soo exited i...
  9. shmooborp

    ive gone blank. help.. :\

    i need answers! should i hatch in the carton or not? put rubber mating down? whats better??? ahhhh! its day 18! gulp.
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