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  1. Sonoran Silkies

    We have to get rid of our chickens!

    Actually, statute trumps common law. And that is the way it works in these United States of America. Whether you like it or acknowledge it, that IS reality.
  2. Sonoran Silkies

    We have to get rid of our chickens!

    Quote: As was stated elsewhere, it is an interesting philosophy. BUT, it has no actual basis in law. Any government authority that has the power granted to it by a superior authority to create laws, statutes, ordinances and even rules can create any laws, statutes, ordinances or rules that...
  3. Sonoran Silkies

    We have to get rid of our chickens!

    Quote: Last year the definiton of "service animal" was significantly altered, eliminating the possibility of using that as a loophole. A service animal has to have specific training to help with a specific handicap that falls under the Americans with Disabilities Act. For example seeing eye...
  4. Sonoran Silkies

    We have to get rid of our chickens!

    Quote: Large animals are no more likely to be smelly if their pens are properly maintained than are chickens. IMO, it is not the job of government to encourage (or to discourage) self sufficiency. I do understand people wanting to control the environment in which they live--all of want that...
  5. Sonoran Silkies

    We have to get rid of our chickens!

    Quote: Many people will not come directly to the one they have a complaint against for any of several reasons. #1, they are uncomfortable with confrontation, or #2, by involving a neutral party, they hope to maintain some degree of neighborliness, or #3, they are concerned about escalation...
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