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  1. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Our quail are 8 weeks old now and laying eggs. My 8 yr old son and I resided to cull out the extra roos and have Sunday dinner for the family. Here is a picture of the roos (marinating in a nice lemon herb bath) that didn't get picked to carry on their bloodline: We now have 11 cots (8f &...
  2. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Quote: Thanks, that is why I am doing this thread like I am. This forum is is full of great information from quail experts on how they are doing things, but short on information on how they got there. So I am trying to chronicle my journey as someone new to the hobbie.
  3. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    The girls turned 3 weeks over the weekend and as a treat I put a dust pan in with them. They loved it, it was fun to watch them as they discovered what it was for. After the first one dug in the rest came running. 18 quail trying to get into 5"x8" area, lol.
  4. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Quote: The hinges are on the top. They haven't been in there long but when I have opened the cage to change water they haven't made any effort to get out.
  5. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Well my girls are now 2 weeks old and I finally got into gear and built my 1st brooder grow-out cage. After reading through a lot of threads on the BYC forum I had a list of goals for my brooder: • No/ limited waste feeder • Auto waterier (this has not been completed. When I complete my...
  6. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Here's an update of my families inagural hatch: 6 dozen eggs 20 hatched chicks I have a question for the experienced hatchers, How much longer should I leave the eggs in the incubator? I put them in on 10/13 in the evening, today in day 18 in the bator.
  7. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Quote: Thanks for the information, I'll separate the food and water and I have more bins if/when crowding becomes an issue.
  8. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Here is the tub I have made into an inside brooder, plugged it in before I left for work. Update on expenses for my quail project: $0 - tub re-purposed from house $0 - hardware cloth free from work $0 - light re-purposed from yard $2.29 - quail water base $2.39...
  9. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Quote: I was looking to get the jumbo brown Coturnix, but it look like I have some A&M mixed in with the eggs as well.
  10. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    My 5yr old woke the family @ 5 this morning with "a baby chick hatched", I went to look and sure enough there is one lonely chick in there. We were still waiting for the pop corn effect that I have read about when we all had to leave for work and school. Here is a bad picture of our first chick.
  11. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Quote: Thank you for the information and the reply.
  12. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    We lost power for about an hour and a half last night. Temp got down to 86deg before it was restored. What can I expect this to do to my hatch rate?
  13. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Here are some pics: I'm still looking at different ways to put together a brooder. I want to do something that will go with the cages outside, since the wife is less than thrilled to have an incubator in her living room. She will definitely not like the brooder invading her space.
  14. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Setting Coturnix Eggs After testing my homemade incubator and letting it run for a few days to make sure it was holding at 99.5’ and 55% humidity. I went to looking for Coturnix eggs. I found someone local from Craigslist and went a picked up 72 eggs last night. They are now in the bator and...
  15. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Incubator I built (with the help of my 7yr old son, who is excited about this process as me) a forced air incubator with a Styrofoam chest. • $- Chest was recycled • $- Computer fan was recycled • $- ½” wire mesh got from work • $- Glass recycled • $7.99...
  16. chetrw

    My Experiences with Quail

    Hello, I had been interested in raising quail for meat and eggs for a while and was researching them when I found this forum. After reading many treads I decided to quit lurking and join. I set two primary goals for starting this project • Include my kids in the learning experience •...
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