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  1. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    you know what?? I think it just might be possible that what I am wearing is causing them to peck. I never thought about that. I wear a lot of pink and bright colors with patterns and designes on them. I will try wearing something less loud and see what happens. That is a very good point. Thanks.
  2. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    Thanks everyone, I love all the replies that I am getting. I agree with Chinchilla 2, they like to remind me that I forgot to shave my legs and investigate the new color of nail polish that I put on my toes. So funny, my chickens actually recognize a change in fashion. I have very detail...
  3. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    Thanks everyone, I am getting great info. Nice to know that I am loved by my flock. I feel better now, I had no idea what they were trying to tell me. Wanting attention makes since. The pecking does get a little worse when I am holding one of the hens and really bad when I pick up the roo. The...
  4. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    Thanks TheSpiceGirls; for the insight on the BO breed. Could be a breed specific behavior. They all gather around my feet when I walk into the pen. Usually I do bring a treat so maybe they are seeing if I have any hidden in my pant legs or shoes or something like that. Nice to know that I am...
  5. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    So, is it a compliment that they peck me?? I was beginning to think that I was doing something wrong, but from what I am hearing they love me and all want to be picked up. Right?
  6. Kuntry Klucker

    Hens Pecking me!!! OUCH!!!

    Hi All, I am new to chickens, I am currently raising my first flock. I have 13 BO hens and 2 Roos. They are 20 weeks old. Lately when I go out to the coop to spend time with the chickens I have noticed a few of the hens pecking me. They peck my legs and when I am holding one of them a few of...
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