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  1. JustPeachy

    My Hoop Coop

    I have another coop that only has the chicken wire right now, we don't have a problem with predators except aerial ones , and that is what that piece of mind is for, but just to scare him off. I was free ranging all my chickens till he found them, that's why we are building another coop so they...
  2. JustPeachy

    My Hoop Coop

    I am thinking of like a run in shed type of thing since we are in Ga and it doesn't really get cold here, more worried about them overheating. So far I have 8 buff orpingtons that are going in here, probably will end up with a few more though. It did go really fast, he got all of this done in 1...
  3. JustPeachy

    My Hoop Coop

    My hubby and I are building a hoop coop, this is the run, it is 8x16 and a little over 5ft tall. Still haven't started on the coop part yet cause we haven't decided how exactly we want to do it.
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