My Hoop Coop


8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
Waynesboro, Ga
My hubby and I are building a hoop coop, this is the run, it is 8x16 and a little over 5ft tall. Still haven't started on the coop part yet cause we haven't decided how exactly we want to do it.









looks great so far! Love the hoop runs! They look like they go up pretty fast and easy. The welded wire you used is NICE. Smart to cover it in chicken wire-- a little added protection since the welded wire is so large. What kind of coop are you thinking about?? How many birds?
I am thinking of like a run in shed type of thing since we are in Ga and it doesn't really get cold here, more worried about them overheating. So far I have 8 buff orpingtons that are going in here, probably will end up with a few more though.
It did go really fast, he got all of this done in 1 afternoon, and he is a perfectionists so it could have gone up a lot faster
. I always tease him and tell him it's only a chicken house, not a real house
Looks good, good sized to.

My only suggestion is about the chicken wire. I'm not sure of your area but it won't keep anything out. Chicken wire will keep chickens in but it won't keep ANY predator out. And alot of critters can get thru that 5x5 ish cattle panel. I would suggest changing the chicken wire for a hardware cloth. Alot more expensive, but well worth it in my opinion for peace of mind.

And on a side note, I really like the camo'ed peace of mind in the fourth pic. But if you keep it that handy, you really need to change to hardware cloth....LOL...

Looks good, and good luck.

I agree that the chicken wire won't keep anything out.
Chicken wire needs to be changed into use for only indoor dividers and in the garden to keep plants upright. Anything else is pointless.
I have another coop that only has the chicken wire right now, we don't have a problem with predators except aerial ones
, and that is what that piece of mind is for, but just to scare him off. I was free ranging all my chickens till he found them, that's why we are building another coop so they have more room... There is a quail farm across the street from us and that usually keeps him occupied but I guess my guys running loose were just too tempting

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