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  1. zooarch

    What breed is this?

    Quote: Thanks, I'm normally one for wanting a specific breed, but I hung out with the woman that owned the entire flock for a while and ended up picking the pullets that I thought had the most attractive/odd coloring and the best personalities for our flock. They will be intermixed with our...
  2. zooarch

    What breed is this?

    Quote: Thanks, I just liked the difference between head and body color which sold her to me, but then became actually interested in which possible cross could have resulted in her.
  3. zooarch

    What breed is this?

    Oh, in the entire flock there were Cinnamon Queen, Production Red, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, White Rock, Delaware, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Austra-White, Red Leghorn, Cuckoo Marans, Wheaten, Black Copper Marans, and Brown Leghorns. She stated that she kept them in breeding coops when she was...
  4. zooarch

    What breed is this?

    Hi. To start off, I went to a local farm and picked out the pullets that I wanted from a large free-ranging flock to add to my little flock of city chickens. I went to get a blue splash marans, a wheaton marans, and an ameraucana (I knew it would be an EE more than likely). I went and I saw...
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