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  1. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "What do I do now?" she whispered. "stay with the herd, meet the people around here, enjoy being immortal and DONT get Mary mad" "Yes sir" she whispered.
  2. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: She followed. { Yes, please! } *time warp* Mary was tired and told john to show Jaydust around, when Jaydust pasted the test she was turn immortal and have the powers over fire and lighting. John "welcome to smokeband, i am John and i will be your tour guide" he chuckles Mary turns...
  3. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "Okay" she replied quietly. "follow me" she said kindly (can we time warp to were she passes? ) She followed. { Yes, please! }
  4. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "Tests?" she asked nervously. "to know if you are truthful and whiling, the prize is very much worth it" "Okay" she replied quietly.
  5. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "I've never lived in a band before, none of them wanted me . . . " she trailed off and stared at the ground. "we aloud many horses to join if they pass the tests" she said kindly "Tests?" she asked nervously.
  6. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: { Good } "What is it?" she asked. "a horse band" she tranform into human form "i am the leader, this band, is not like others" "I've never lived in a band before, none of them wanted me . . . " she trailed off and stared at the ground.
  7. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "Hi" she replied shyly, emerging from the trees. { Has this pic been used yet? } (nope) "are you looking for join smokeband?" she askd { Good } "What is it?" she asked.
  8. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: "My name is Jaydust" the mare replied. "hello Jaydust" she said calmly "Hi" she replied shyly, emerging from the trees. { Has this pic been used yet? }
  9. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: A smokey head followed the nose. "Hello" the mare whispered. "who are you?" she asks, tranforming into a horse "My name is Jaydust" the mare replied.
  10. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: A dark black muzzle protruded from a nearby clump of trees. { I hope there is a clump of trees there . . . } (yep, i gotta make a map for the place ) Mary walks over in human form "hello?" she said softly A smokey head followed the nose. "Hello" the mare whispered.
  11. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: Mary was gathering herbs A dark black muzzle protruded from a nearby clump of trees. { I hope there is a clump of trees there . . . }
  12. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: Ooh, love your new avvie! Thanks. It's Yuma from SeaBand. Yep, I saw, took me forevers to find it on whatever chat thread you posted it on.
  13. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: not really, the stallions most of the time guard, they can take mates if they ask. mares are guarded (but for a few) Okay, thanks for clearing that up. My form is almost done!
  14. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    No, I'm not talking about that, I mean rank. Like lead mare and stallion at the top, then are the other just mares and stallions, I mean like titles and jobs, not whether they can turn human.
  15. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    What ranks are there? Is there just Lead mare and stallion and then all other are mares or stallions?
  16. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: Thanks, Zin! Anytime. :3 Ooh, love your new avvie!
  17. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Quote: Thanks, Zin!
  18. horsecrazychicklovingkid

    {SmokeBand} /Owned by MH\

    Um, so, like, how do we join . . . ?
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