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  1. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    Since you are obviously getting upset about this, and I have no idea why, I am hoping this thread gets closed soon as you don't really want to hear others opinions on the idea of making a rooster deaf for your own benefit.
  2. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    Well it is not improving the bird for it to have what most vets would call a defect. What other experiments would you have done to them? And why would you think crowing is a bad thing, when you got your birds I am sure you knew the roosters crow, no stopping it Its not like crowing is a...
  3. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    I don't think anyone here would consider themselves close minded for NOT wanting their roosters to have their hearing damaged for the gain of not having it crow. Medical experiements like this should not happen, just another senseless way to harm animals and have the gov't pay for...they could...
  4. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    Mentally warped.
  5. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    Yeah my deaf dog (Sinatra) and ones I have had in the past have had the loudest most weird sounding barks.
  6. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    I have had deaf dogs and they bark so....I think a deaf roo would crow.
  7. hooligan

    Deaf rooster

    Are you wanting to make your chicken deaf so it won't crow?
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