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  1. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Well I just went out and put the lone Alpha Male in the coop since he didn't wanna sleep in there. He bit me but I assume it was more a self defence kinda thing then a dominance thing? I think I'll keep working with him all the same, I don't want him bitting me. Bad enough he does it (sometimes)...
  2. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    I thought as much, so I guess there is no reason to try and pet them. Makes me wonder what people do with "pet" chickens. I'm just happy with watching them just mill about in the yard. Update on them going in the coop at night, 30 minutes after they "dissapeared" from my living room window...
  3. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    This how he normally looks at me when I'm sitting in the run with them....I tend to feed him by hand. No matter how much he eats he'll always eat whatever food I have in my fingers. Thinking of calling him Pig, or wilber...or something else along those lines. *Plays "Hungry Eyes" from dirty...
  4. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: I got out about 8 at night, you think I should go out later then that? I imagine no matter how late I go out I'll wake them up just by opening the run door to get to them, the chicken wire is very clingy! Never mind they went in by 6pm....hope they stay in!
  5. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: I hope so, I thought it was a male to female thing....but he's outside by himself right now and he's doing it.
  6. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    They are so weird! So today is week 1 of them being in their new run/coop, I still have to catch them at night and put them in the coop. However my little white hen knows she lays her eggs in the coop, she knows where the coop is, she goes in/out several times in the morning before laying her...
  7. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: I missed this. The cause of more than 90 percent of all unintended dead chickens is predator attacks!! BE ALARMED!! We read about it all the time supporting the community after losses. If you do not protect them from a large predator such as possum, raccoon, feral cats, big animals like...
  8. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: Thanks for the link, what you said alone makes me wanna go unclog those high up holes. However the coop is probably 5' on it's highest end so maybe just a couple holes. lol I should say that ventilation and heat control inside the coop during the summer time isn't going to be an issue...
  9. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: I have one very small door/window with wire covering it up near the top on the highest side of the coop on the opposite side of the roost pole. It's on the northside of the coop, which will cause the north wind to blow into it.(but I can close it up if needed) I used the wavey metal for...
  10. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    Quote: Thanks for the input but you lost me at the "dormers" and "gable" what are you refering to? In the design link I posted(my second post here) I have one ventilation door in up top in the tallest side, the "front" where the chickens come out in the picture is a double door for me to...
  11. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    lol shoulda known not to post this on halloween night. Anyone got any more input?
  12. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    My yard isn't fenced in, they have an 8x8 "run" attached to the 4x8 coop. The coop is about 2' off the ground with a little shaded area below. using this design. Except I have the door on one side and the run attached to that side.(I love this design by the way, way to go whoever designed it!)...
  13. ts72712

    New owner, several questions. A fun bag of ignorance!

    I'm a new chicken owner, 4 chickens, 2 roos 2 hens. The girls are laying one egg a day(total) probably 2 dozen so far, so that should give you an idea on age. 1. Anyway my problem is I JUST finished the new coop last friday and read on here to lock them in the coop, however i forgot how long. I...
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