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  1. LT

    Nature is beautiful...and cruel

    wood&feathers : It is hawk migrations season. If you want to minimize your losses this might be a good time to limit how much they free range, perhaps until at least after Thanksgiving. Fall is much more dangerous for us because the foliage is off when they come through. In spring our...
  2. LT

    Nature is beautiful...and cruel

    Today, we let the girls out because my husband was working in the yard, and we thought that would be a deterrent. It wasn't. The hawk came out of nowhere, and my husband saw it in his peripheral vision. Thankfully the girls scattered, some into the run, some under the bushes. All are accounted...
  3. LT

    Nature is beautiful...and cruel

    Quote: Thank you! On days like today, I feel like a complete failure. But I do like what Stephanie739 said. These girls have a wonderful life. Thanks for confirming we are doing it right.
  4. LT

    Nature is beautiful...and cruel

    Thanks everyone. We do have a covered run, so at least they were able to run there for cover. My husband noticed them all in there this afternoon after he let them out. He went out because he thought it was strange, and then counted and that's when he realized she was missing. I am thankful we...
  5. LT

    Nature is beautiful...and cruel

    We lost our Agnes today. We suspect a hawk, because we had seen one in the area recently being harassed by a bunch of crows. My husband just found feathers and searched everywhere for her. I knew it was a risk to let them free range, but honestly, I can't imaging keeping them cooped up all the...
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