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  1. Blaise

    sudden death to much loved pet.

    thanks. i have introduced 2 slightly younger ones that are not fully grown. the one that died was the dominant one and was very protective of the other one. im trying to teach her that she is three times there size and so therefore she is the boss. but alas she is more scared of them than they...
  2. Blaise

    sudden death to much loved pet.

    i just want to know how she died. i dont want my other one to go to. she wasnt sick or anything. are there any ways to tell if they have had a disease or something except cutting them open. i dont think i could do that. and do you think the other chook would attack a bantam. she is an orpington...
  3. Blaise

    sudden death to much loved pet.

    thankyou everyone. i am going today to find her a friend. i thought she could have been egg bound but she had layed that day already. im ruling it down to her heart . she was fine and then dead in the space of half an hour which was so weird. the other ones not sick but she is lonley so i will...
  4. Blaise

    sudden death to much loved pet.

    Hello today my chicken died. i dont know what breed she was but she was a big black/orange hen. i had two and they were my best friends. they were hand reared and would follow me around the garden and come when i called them. my other hen is very distraught and i think i have to find a new one...
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