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  1. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Can't remember the last time I went to a black friday sale, anywhere. Crowds are not my thing.
  2. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Quote: On my way !!!!!!! Would love to help you finish that quilt. Now since you said you are working on a quilt. You gotta post a pic of the finished product. IF I ever get it finished I will
  3. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Dang Kuntry, this thread just reminded me that I still have to finish the quilt I'm making for GS for Christmas. Wanna come help me finish?
  4. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Quote: Neat! How do you make that?? This place sells all the supplies for making candles, lip gloss, soaps, etc:
  5. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    DSD and I are also making batts of lip gloss. I'm going to keep one or two of them for myself and she can have the rest to give as small gifts, for like GS's teacher.
  6. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    I'm giving Keith a kindle for his December birthday. I still haven't bought him a gun cleaning rack. He keeps all these catalogs from places that sell such things in the bathroom. I'm not much of a bathroom reader, but I'm searching through them while I'm in there, trying to find the right one.
  7. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Quote: The least expensive kindle is now $79. Shall I point your husband in the direction of
  8. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Another thing we are doing this year, within the family. Making sure everyone knows it's okay if they want to give a gift that involves work or a cord. For years the rule was that husbands couldn't give the wives a gift that had a cord (meaning work) and wives knew not to give their husband a...
  9. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Quote: Who is slamming Christmas in your face? What's going on? I think what she means is that Walmart already has ALL their Christmas merchandise out and they're playing Christmas music. I almost gagged, myself. Exactly that. We were in walmart on halloween night. The halloween stuff...
  10. gritsar

    Black Friday Shopping At Wal Mart

    Wouldn't be caught dead in a walmart store on Black Friday. In fact, if I can help it we won't be going to walmart until after the first of the year. Already tired of having Christmas slammed in my face this year.
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