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  1. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Sure, however this treatment is recommended by multiple sources. I’m going to quote from The Chicken Chick's Guide to Backyard Chickens by Kathy Shea Mormino. “Dr Michael Darre, poultry professor and Department of Agriculture Extension Service specialist at the University of Connecticut...
  2. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    OK, I managed to find the very informative video I watched about using petrol (or "gasoline") to treat Scaly Leg Mite: Here are another couple of links that talk about it...
  3. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I dipped all their legs in petrol this morning and then applied Ungvita (vitamin A ointment from the chemist). The beauty of this treatment is that apparently you only have to do it for 3 days and only twice with the petrol as it kills the eggs as well as the adult mites. 22 legs is a lot to treat!
  4. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    It seems that the best treatment is to dip their legs in petrol (!) and then apply A & D ointment, reapply the ointment on day 2, and repeat the whole process on day 3.
  5. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    What have I done?! This evening I picked up 11 more chooks, thus doubling my flock in one fowl (sic) swoop. Unfortunately these new chooks have scaly leg mite, so I’m off investigate treatments.
  6. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks, Annibee. Yes, I am a man. We haven’t seen anything of the fox recently so here’s hoping. I've been having a few issues with this website and wondered why everyone had gone quite, lol. In the meantime I’ve managed to rehome my Wyandotte X cockerel which we’d hatched in early...
  7. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    We haven’t see our fox for a while now but we have another woe. We’ve not been getting many eggs lately. We were blaming the heat for the girls going off the lay and then wondered if the two juveniles were eating the eggs. But we now think a blue tongue lizard is the culprit.
  8. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I gave my wife a new game for Christmas:
  9. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I haven’t lost any more chooks to the fox, yet. I’m hoping to set some Barred Plymouth Rock eggs and also some Light Sussex eggs in the incubator next week. I really don’t want to raise chicks just to feed the local fox(es). In regard to heat, chooks seem to be fairly hardy. I give mine a...
  10. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    The rescued hen is doing fine. Not like my last remaining Light Sussex who was mauled fox and died a day or two later. This hen only had her feathers ruffled. My hens free range the whole backyard and building a fox proof yard is out of the question financially. They get locked up safe and...
  11. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    This is getting ridiculous! 8am and the wife has just rescued a chook from the fox!
  12. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Good Morning everyone! I haven’t been on here for ages! Life gets busy. Anyway, I’m having issues with a fox. The latest casualty was my Barred Plymouth Rock. On Saturday I got home just before dark and went straight out to lock the girls away and the yard was full of black and white...
  13. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    It's no so much upsetting as just a hassle to get rid of a rooster. I knew when I hatched eggs that I'd have to get rid of the boys. I set 12 eggs under a hen and they all hatched and only 4 cockerels! :wee I managed to rehome the Coronation Sussex quite quickly. I sold one of the Light Sussex...
  14. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Welcome back. :welcome What breeds do you have in your new flock? Please post some pics when you get a chance. You're in good company here. Some of my workmates refer to me as the mad chicken man!
  15. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Welcome to BYC, Cluckingham. :welcome I can only imagine the hassle and expense in trying to import chooks or eggs. :eek: Where abouts in Australia are you? What breed(s) are you after? Maybe we can help.
  16. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Nice flock and good job on the coop.
  17. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Well, my one remaining Light Sussex rooster started crowing this morning so it's time to find him a new home. Such is the price of living in town. He's 22 weeks old. I'm surprised that he hasn't crowed before now.
  18. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I've been feeding my flock Red Hen Pullet for a while now. I wanted something that wasn't medicated (for the layers) but didn't have too much calcium (for the still developing birds). I offer crushed eggshells on the side. A baking tin lives in the bottom of the oven and that's where we put...
  19. Sparky74

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Oh no! That's disappointing and can be distressing as well. After our fox(?) attack earlier this year when I lost 7 of the 8 Light Sussex pullets I had hatched, our girls get locked away every night now.
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