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  1. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    You think your weather Is weird!
  2. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    The run is about an inch under water:( Everyone is coping ok except for the frizzle bantam. Feathered feet are awful. Not sure what we will do if the rain continues tomorrow
  3. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yep that jobs on for tomorrow. It means it's probably more thorough though! Can get right to the skin:)
  4. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Are other people's chickens moulting? My poor girls look awful! No eggs either:( How dare you take a photo of me looking like this!! Poor girls almost bald
  5. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Mine demolished an entire rhubarb plant in under 10mins:( I wouldn't recommend putting it within reach!
  6. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    This is a friends. Any thoughts on roo or hen?
  7. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Go out after dark each night and move them to the roosts. They'll get the hang of it:)
  8. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    How How exciting!! I could hardly hold in my excitement when my girls got close to laying. Checked the next boxes 10,000 times a day. Is she squatting yet? All sounds like good signs:) My girls only checked out best boxes for a day or two before laying. Fingers crossed!!
  9. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yes three of our girls seem to have that harmonious relationship going on. My poor frizzle is definitely at the bottom in their eyes. The Sussex is bullied by everyone including the tiny frizzle despite being significantly larger than all of them. She's just a big push over!
  10. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Rea Really? My Sussex is a sweetheart! Almost bottom of pecking order and loves her cuddles. I'd say it's partially in the breeding and mostly in the raising. My Australorps are the nastiest. Like a little gang. You should go and spend some time with them and see before you decide.
  11. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    So many vets are so unhelpful!!! Probably go with the triple antibiotic cream as suggested for now. Where are you located?
  12. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Not sure as I would usually just run a girl to the vet 2mins down the road. They only charge $5 to see a chicken plus cost of injection. All under $10 generally. I assume that's not a possibility for you. Something broad spectrum is probably best. Suggestions anyone?
  13. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Wow. Wow! Well done for persisting. With a wound like that she might need antibiotics. I know some aren't a fan of them but really it sounds like she's going to need help with an infection that extensive.
  14. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Without knowing parentage I think you might have a waiting game on your hands! Lucky it shouldn't be too long:)
  15. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yep I have one of these for water too. Love it!! Just replaced the cup after 12months. Such good value. Eventually the sand in my run seems to wear it down.
  16. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Grea Great! Thanks i will try this. The feed does contain D3. Maybe she just needs extra?
  17. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Finally broke the worlds most persistent broody! Seriously what a nutter. If I ever need to hatch I'll know who to give the eggs to:/ In other news...I have a Sussex who seems to struggle with every egg she lays. She is about 7 or 8 months old and has been laying for more than a month. She...
  18. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yep we are up to day 6 here with my frizzle. Talk about persistence! She roams the backyard during the day and then at night I block off the nest before letting her in. I go out when it gets dark to make sure she is on the roost. Tonight she had made herself a little nest on the floor of the...
  19. smhoekzema

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hedwig wants to know how come everyone else gets prawn heads and all got was the end of a garden salad! (Her mums a slacker who bought pre peeled prawns this year:D)
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