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  1. jeremy

    blue orpington thread

    My birds are not fat, nor do they look like "squatty Cochins". The difference between an Imported English (for the sake of clarification) Orpington and a Cochin is very apparent. All you have to do is remove your prejudice towards the British Standard birds and you will easily see that. ETA...
  2. jeremy

    blue orpington thread

    Lovely Joy, just lovely! I love that picture of Winston and Clementine, if any two chickens were ever in love it's those two. ETA: Thelma definitely took after her father in the rear end department, they both should have wide load signs on their bottoms!
  3. jeremy

    blue orpington thread

    Quote: I couldn't have done it without you Joy!
  4. jeremy

    blue orpington thread

    Quote: Why wait until Spring when you could have some right now?
  5. jeremy

    blue orpington thread

    Blue Orpingtons? Did anyone say Blue Orpingtons? Here are some of my English birds... She's Black... but still related. Some babies. Quote: I have LOTS of juvenile Blue and Splash birds available...
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