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  1. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    yep its 2nd
  2. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    really awful pic but is this what you meant?? sorry for sideways pic also...dont break your neck trying to see it
  3. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    it a bamboo something...cant remember at the moment
  4. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    cool my friend has a drawing so jealous
  5. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    the tail made me angry though so it kinda sucked...and are we supposed to do this on paint or like pencil and paper
  6. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    sorry busy life3 ): i have it drawn and will post pics soon
  7. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    YES! im so excited!
  8. Harli50

    DinosRBirds' Art Academy Classroom

    then do we just post a pic when were done with the outline??
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