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  1. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    I'm a little late, but congrats to all the winners! You have some beautiful birds!! I also think the most hideous rooster contest is a great idea! I have an entry for that too!
  2. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    Chloe, I've been "loaning" out my spare roos to enter. I think Trouble is spoken for, but you can "borrow" Stewie if you want to! He's a great guy, almost a year old RIR. He is THE protector of the flock and fairly friendly to boot. He'll actually protect me when the other boys get ideas...
  3. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    To add a personality for Maki (my 2 year old Yokohama roo that was posted a while ago): slightly flighty, but he does take care of his lady Sushi. He picks the best tidbits of greens that I give them and offers them to her in his beak. Sometimes he might drop them in front of her, but she...
  4. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    gorgeous boy, Break!
  5. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    me either, Disco! There are SO many handsome boys! (makes me want one of each . . .but our neighbors would hate us then!)
  6. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    And anyone without a rooster can "adopt" Stewie or Trouble from my earlier posts.
  7. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    OK, my official entry is Maki the Magnificent. (Yokohama). He's about 2 years old and I've only had him for 2 weeks, but he seems fairly sweet so far (not cuddly but definitely not aggressive). I have to go out to look at him many times a day to feast my eyes on his gorgeousness. Did I...
  8. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    Here, gg, you can borrow my other one to enter. His name is Trouble, an Ameracauna. See, he likes you. He's crowing.
  9. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    don't take that one wrong--I'm biased!
  10. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    that is one gorgeous boy! Almost as awesome as Maki!
  11. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    and oldchick--your Stan is quite handsome as well! I'm getting a JG in my order this spring, but from what I've heard, I think they'll always be part of my flock :) (and BTW, I used to breed cockatiels and parakeets, plus had an African Grey and a Goffin's cockatoo years ago )
  12. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    Thanks yet again He lives in a semi-open front unheated coop in Kansas. While we're having a fairly mild winter, there have been numerous nights below freezing. I'm so glad he hasn't been frostbitten!
  13. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    Gotta say, Nugget IS pretty handsome. I'm pretty partial to Maki (of course, even though he crows outside my bedroom window every morning!). I do have another entry: This is Stewie, my RIR roo.
  14. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    thank you! I have to keep going out to look at him!
  15. shotah

    Most Handsome Rooster Contest! CONTEST CLOSED!

    This is my new boy, Maki. He's a 2 year old silver duckwing yokohama. See him and drool (hear him crow like a kazoo and laugh!) That's his lady Sushi in back of him.
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