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  1. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Oh if theres a Heaven its in AK. Ill take the Marine hwy up. it is unbelievable porpoise whales sea birds even had a hummingbird come out to the boat. Buying 15 acres Otc around willow so close enough but out in the sticks Was he a blackie or brownie? This iis not fair its early there still. We...
  2. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Well I signed up for babysitting detail 2morrow and Sat. so Ill bid you ladies goodnite. Peace out
  3. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    [Thats the one altho usually they run darker can be lots of colors tho. They are from Russia the Causus region. The cheapest Ive seen em was a grand they ave 2.Grand typically. Thats cool that a family theme is emerging here. They are ranked No. 1 in guard.dogs in the world. It is very much in...
  4. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Id pray but hellfire and brimstone would fall. I just wanted to comment RoseMarie is a.very fine name...its my sisters very cool.
  5. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    As As I mentioned earlier a Caucasian Mountain dog. They make a great bear dog and AK is bear country
  6. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Must be.the New American BEE Version I didnt recognize chapter and verse. ha
  7. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thats funny because when I was reading ur explaination of my ? I thought you are describing a dog the 4 legged kind and as I said Im. taking a dog to AK. That is soooo cool and life affirming in a sense its all in the little things really. smile. quote name="Beekissed"...
  8. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I dont care if you proselytize the world as far as Im concerned rhats ur right but its against byc rules I just think its silly and yet a an end so whatever makes you happy illustions and all as long as it doesnt hurt another but BEE already covered that in her eloquent essay . I will...
  9. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Totally and someday may we appreciate one another for who we are because its the right and humane thing to do. not because Jesus. or Budda or Mohamid or the toothfairy said so at least thats the goal here Its all good now if this phone were smart ha
  10. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Ive been told.I have a dry sense of humor hence the lol . You had me at he doesnt exist then my smart phone got stupid I had said because s/he doesnt exist but are made then it got godded up but I cant go there because I got kicked off a thread for debating evol vs creationism ITS AGAINST the...
  11. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I rest my case
  12. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Look what I started Srry lol
  13. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    H Love is not an illusion, it's a choice. [/quote. half of a doz of one or six of another. Youll learn
  14. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Content not contact d*** phone lol
  15. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Since we are totally OFF topic and ADULT contact. What is the essence of a Real. rooster shall we say??? Love is an illusion thats why women CANT be understood Im curious not that I care because Im celibate too
  16. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    As you alluded to. It does have cyanide but in such low does and special circumstances its approved. FD A also approves a certain amount of rat hair and insect parts in ur food I worked at Farmland K Id use it but it is NOT RECOMMENDED tlaround the. eye or mucous areas That is why Drs use a...
  17. cockoftherock

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    most superglue has cyanide in it. They do makeit without cyanide for sutures. Its a chicken I know but people should be aware to make informed decisions
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