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  1. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I felt the same way at first but now that I have done it a while it takes about 20 min in the morning for me to feed 2 pens. At first I was fermenting layer and grains. I use the double bucket system that is mentioned many times in this thread. It was taking about 20-30 minutes to drain. Too...
  2. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Good point. I wasn't worried about feeding it to the cornish at all but these new babies are different as I plan to keep them longer than 6 weeks. I can get the flock raiser or the grower. Would you still mix in the grains I mentioned?
  3. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I have not been able to find non medicated chick started locally. I started my cornish on FF from day 1 and fed them the same mix Igive my hens (layer, cracked corn, milo, wheat, oats & BOSS) I am hatching a batch of layers soon and plan to give them the same. Is this a good mix for the...
  4. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So I have a mold problem. Not with my feed the FF is going really well but under my buckets. I keep mine in the green house and have concrete floors. I do the double buckets system and have two set up. I guess I am to messy but water got under the buckets and mold is growing on the concrete...
  5. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    How long does everyone leave theirs FF out once it has been put in the pen. Just like some others have said I am having a hard time with amounts. It changes from day to day how much they consume. I feed in the morning before work so I fill feeders so they don't run out. They are on the...
  6. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I did my first and only batch of meat bird at the end of Oct. I feed FF from day 1. When I put them in the pen there was little rye but it was gone within a week other than that they did not free range at all. The were stinky. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still smelled. I...
  7. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I bet that's why. I wonder if adding ACV here and there would help it along.
  8. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    It is a great feeling. Throw in there the green beans I grew and canned myself and some homeade dumplings. I am on a mission to be completely self sufficient. I have been gardening veggies for years now I have the chicken for both eggs and meat. I can't decide whats next a cow or a pig.
  9. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Also our local Walmart now has Heinz brand ACV with the mother. Its about $1 cheaper than the Braggs.
  10. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Mine are pretty aromatic after 24 hours. I have had my buckets going for @ 6 weeks. I added Braggs to start and splashed extra in the first few weeks but haven't added any lately. I think its a matter of getting good cultures started and then letting them do their job. I also stir twice a...
  11. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    yes makes total sense. I have 30 laying hens and Saturday I butchered 20 cornish. I was going thru 2-5 gal buckets a day so the "good juice" helped speed things along. I was using every bit out of the bucket. I am only a few days past butchering but it seems like 1-5 gal bucket a day will...
  12. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I drain mine everyday before feeding. When I go to feed in the morning the water has usually soaked up on the top but about 3" down is very wet. I hang the top bucket on a chain for @30 min then take it down to the pen to feed. I am getting a good ferment (it smeels good anyway). The food...
  13. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    A FF story.... I keep my FF in my greenhouse. A few weeks ago I was putting my scoop in a ceramic bowl. The bottom of the bowl got hard crusty FF juices in it ( forgot to rinse one evening) so I put water to soften and set it to the side. I then forgot about it. Out of sight, out of mind...
  14. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    My pen is under a pecan tree and I crack and feed them what falls in the run. I swear they have good ears because as soon as they hear me cracking them I am surrounded. They love them. Its a shame they cant crack them by themselves. Never thought about putting them in the FF.
  15. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Do you think its ok to feed this to them? I have it also and I also thought it would continue to grow. Mine looks like layer that fell through the holes but a little more pastey (double bucket method). Anyway about every 3 days I scoop a little up and mix it in the feed pan. Should I just...
  16. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I have been feeding the FF for about 2 weeks. I also have noticed my birds look prettier. I didn't think it was the feed so I didn't post. Their colors are brighter and they shine more. I thought it was my imagination. I have noticed respitory improvements. My whole flock got dry pox...
  17. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I am not sure what the variety of clover is. I live in central Georgia and it what the feed store sold by the pound. This is only the second winter I have planted. Last year I got a wet bag of deer plot seed for free. This year I bought the clover and rye millings. I converted a dog run...
  18. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I started my FF last Sunday. I went ahead and did the 2 bucket system and I'm glad I did. It is so much easier than I thought it was going to be. I have meat birds arriving today (hopefully). This week I have been giving it to my laying hens and they seem to love it. I have been slowly...
  19. flyinchicks

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    What great information here. I tried to read it all but wow lots of information. I have a question (it may have already been answered) but I am getting cornish in next week and I am going to purchase what I need to make FF. I have read alot about people using chick starter because they...
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