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  1. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    This isn't our lawn :-) We have a couple hundred acres, so we have LOTS of grass to give XD
  2. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    I think one of our main "missing chick" problems have to do with tall grass near them. Its about a foot high, just enough to be a trap for the young ones. This is something we are learning too, they walk in it and they get stuck, and can't see the end. When we walk out there sometimes we see...
  3. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    I know! We thought they would be safer here than up there (their other coop location) but apparently not :/ I don't see why everyone thinks just because we don't have a run we don't protect them. We DO protect them, but we want them to be happy. In their run they were not happy (the other coop...
  4. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    at least if they are gonna die they are gonna die happy.. If i keep them in a run they will run out of bugs and they won't be happy. Plus, we had them in a run once, didn't do one bit of good, raccoon or something dug under and got 40 of my big girls.
  5. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Thanks everybody!! You guys are a big help :) We have a lake, could we just catch a fish out of there and put it in the trap?
  6. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    What kind of traps would you suggest if we can't shoot him? And thank you, but i don't think we have enough proof for them :-(
  7. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Thank you, this helps. we should go out at night then and kill it, before it snatches any more. And we do not live in an area that we can't fire guns :-)
  8. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Guess what?! I was walking around, and you would never believe what i saw.. raccoon prints!! walking away from the coop!! Now we know killed them, and our guns are loaded. :-) Now a few questions- 1. Are they nocturnal? 2. will they come again tonight since they came last night? 3. are they...
  9. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    We just got a Great Pyrenees, so far though, we do not trust her. But we know she is just a puppy. :) could it be a skunk?
  10. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Thank you. :) so were thinking about going after the big guys instead. Are they illegal to kill? But still something just does not make sense, why wouldn't they kill the big girls too?
  11. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Yeah, they do read everything we post. So if i were to say that i shot it, somebody would probably show up at my doorstep in 30 minutes :P
  12. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    We have coyotes, wild dogs, foxes, and we saw a bobcat once *shudders* but we are pretty sure it was not them... We are positive it wasn't a human predator, we live in the middle of nowhere, plus, who would take the little guys and not the big ones??
  13. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Goodness, there aren't endangered in this area, they are EVERYWHERE!! @aschenfire- but if it wasn't a hawk, then what would it be? Do hawks leave feathers behind? There were no traces of anything being there except for them all being gone and my dad seeing one fly off with a chick. What other...
  14. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    Thank you guys :) @lollipop- maybe it was a different predator then, bc there are a lot gone. AT LEAST 15, if not more. Why would there be a fine for shooting a hawk? Besides, i would rather have my chickens happy and free ranging, ALIVE, and have to pay a big fine. These girls are my life...
  15. chloezoebob101

    20 chicks gone, could it be a hawk?

    They got let out at 3:00 pm when we got back from church, then we left again at 6:00pm. While on our way out, we caught a glimpse of a hawk, we think it was carrying a chick, something white and fluffy. :( Got back at dark tonight, chickens had put themselves away, but i noticed that most of the...
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