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  1. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    The Avian veterinarian I took my rooster to for a check-up on New Year's Eve recommended I feed him mash, rather than crumbles or pellets, because he is a chowhound. The vet's thinking was that he couldn't eat as much of it at once as pellets. He said he thought my roo has a genetic tendency...
  2. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Don't worry about taking over my thread. You aren't doing that. It's no problem. Chickens 4 Ever, what did your chicken who lived to be 4 years old die of? I worry the most about dogs getting my babies. I don't let them out to free range much, because of this. We have random dogs run...
  3. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Thanks for the info, Malibu. Two of my girls had a similar position today. One was the Sebright. I hope she didn't get chilled perching in the draft the other night. It looked like she was breathing hard when she was sitting in her dustbath area, and her tail was down. When I went to check...
  4. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    That was it! Coccidiosis! I couldn't remember what the foul smell was associated with, but that is it. I hope Petrie gets better.
  5. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Malibu99, Baby, my rooster in my avatar didn't learn how to take a dirtbath until he was 6 months old. He preferred to bathe in soiled pine shavings! Drove me crazy. He was raised indoors, minus dirt, with only pine shavings, so he didn't care for dirt. But finally I found him blissfully...
  6. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Here is a link that I think has some good advice about cheese, Chickens 4 Ever: A chicken expert I trust told me that treats should make up no more than 10% of the chickens' overall diet. She said if it makes up more than 10% one runs...
  7. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Read up on Fatty Hemorrhagic Liver Disease for yourself and see whether you want to continue feeding them cheese and starchy foods. I don't believe it's good for them, no. I hope to keep my chickens around a long time. Chickens can live 10 to 20 years. Do they like cheese and bread? Yes...
  8. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    I did some research, and gleet was what I was thinking of. I worry about my girls getting it when they raid the compost pile, because the neighbors throw questionable items on it. The foul smell is around the vent when they have that disease. Coryza, a respiratory disease, also causes a foul...
  9. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Could be. My chickens often step in cat manure and smell stinky. My cat Confucius got sprayed by a skunk the other night. Talk about stench! I'm sure a skunk was probably eating Confucius's food Confucius is a chow hound and no doubt got mad at the skunk, and tried to take over the food...
  10. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Please keep us posted about Petrie, Malibu. She's sure cute! Could she have sour crop? I think that may cause a smell? Could she be broody? Broody poop smells awful.
  11. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Oh, how cute! I love it! What an adorable little girl. I'm not sure about the Kefir, but I think I recall people talking about it in another chicken group, and saying it was wonderful. But don't quote me. I wouldn't want to mislead you into doing something that might harm your chickens...
  12. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Oh, how darling that they eat the little girl's mudpies, Malibu!
  13. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    I was told 8 weeks for the AVC. I think I waited till my chicks were older, though. Maybe 20 weeks, to be on the safe side. I think I started Esther on it earlier than that, probably as soon as I learned about its value, but I don't recall how old she was at that time. Probably about 8-10...
  14. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    My rooster's name is Baby. I used to give my chickens snacks of rice and bread as treats, but I don't anymore. I am in another chicken group where they say that is not a good idea, because it can keep them from getting enough proper nutrition, because it's too starchy to be good for them...
  15. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Your chickens are so lucky to have you, Chickens 4 ever! You are a great, caring Chicken Mama! I had another scare yesterday afternoon. Little Merry Etta started attacking my foot again, like she did a week ago. I was cleaning out her coop, and she didn't care for my presence in there, as...
  16. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    I have tried giving my hens baths, but they don't take to them. I did have some luck washing their behinds with washrags, but they didn't much care for it. I'm thinking I need to try to do that for Esther today. She laid an egg and scared me to death. It was hanging out of her rear end! I...
  17. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    We are going to build a step up to the perch this afternoon. The perch is 4 feet high, which is too high, and could cause bumblefoot. I measured and the top of the nesting box is 17" which is about perfect for roosting, but only 2 of them like to roost there. I have 5 chickens total. The...
  18. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Chickens 4 Ever, The link below talks about how if a chicken is mishandled early in the morning, right before she lays her egg, that is when it will be most likely to break and cause her problems: My girl who...
  19. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Yes, if they fall or you drop them and there's an egg inside them, it can break and cause all kinds of problems. Scary! Merry Etta laid her egg this morning. She does seem fine. Buttery Blanche laid a GIANT, HUMONGOUS egg. She's half white leghorn and lays these beautiful eggs, perfect for...
  20. ClareScifi

    Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

    Thank you. She is named for my friend. Last night she perched on a part of the door frame, so I left the coop door open. It opens into a secure run, so I thought maybe by leaving the door open the rooster would crow less because he'd have the run to play in upon awakening. However, winds...
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