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  1. mrdruids

    my chicken is dying!

    good news! i think.... looks like its a leg injury thats making her walk funny, she seems to be favoring her right leg and mom said the left looks swollen i read that with leg injuries its best to just leave them alone and let them work themselves out. i hope this is the case. it was heart...
  2. mrdruids

    my chicken is dying!

    her poop is white and brown i think thats normal, but when she pooped it looked like she lost her balance and had to take a few steps back
  3. mrdruids

    my chicken is dying!

    it looks like shes trying to poop, do chickens get constipated?
  4. mrdruids

    my chicken is dying!

    ill see if i can catch her pooping today, she wont let me get close enough to check her for mites :(
  5. mrdruids

    my chicken is dying!

    about 3 weeks ago one of my chickens started acting funny, she would just sit there with her head tucked in and was very lazy, then she started having trouble walking like she was drunk or didnt have the strength. she died about 5 days after she started looking lazy. now another of my girls is...
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