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  1. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    I am in Eureka, that is the greatess thing ever. Put tears in our eyes to know someone cares for our sweet little Angel. My man says "chicken peeps rock! " She loves us to hold her and she comes right up to us. We are going to see if we can get a couple more her size to keep her company. the...
  2. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    This is my lil barred rock, praying she makes full recovery after loosing all her friends. she has been eating and drinking so Im hopeful
  3. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    So far the remaining little chick is drinking and eating, temp seems fine, no drafts. I went to another feed store and he seems to think that because they all get from same main hatchery, that possible that their brooder wasn't disenfected. He said that is way too many to be "stress related". I...
  4. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    They are closed until Tuesday, I am definately going to let them know, They all died except one. I removed waterer and replaced with new one. They all had the vitamins in water so not sure why they all died. I did notice that the one looked like it was gasping for air and had a wobbly drunk like...
  5. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    I am in Eureka, Humboldt County. Its beautiful Redwood country.
  6. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    Thank you, I just love my chickies sooo much. I have 4 healthy Buff Orps that are 4 weeks old, thankfully they are separated. Have a wonderful weekend.
  7. Bird Lady

    All my chicks died

    I brought home 6 baby chicks yesterday, they were all doing well, running around eating drinking, normal. I left to go to barn, when I got home, one was acting wobbly, I dipped its beak in water several times through the day, but it died in the night with 4 others!!! I have never seen this...
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