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  1. cafarmgirl

    one of my 13 day old chicks lethargic

    Yes, if you suspect an outbreak of coccidia you should still add Corid to their water. The amount of Amprolium in the feed is very small so if they do come down with it anyway you still need to treat with the stronger dose Corid contains if your going to save them. Good luck, hope they do ok.
  2. cafarmgirl

    one of my 13 day old chicks lethargic

    That's what we do too with the youngsters. Older hens can be quite stubborn about opening up for meds. I usually have a helper hold the hen while I open the beak and slowly squirt the meds in. If the bird is old enough to have wattles you can gently grasp those and pull down until the beak...
  3. cafarmgirl

    one of my 13 day old chicks lethargic

    At this age my first suspicion is always coccidia. If I even suspect that I treat for it just because it is so lethal. Chicks can still come down with coccidiosis even if they are on medicated starter. Medicated starter helps prevent coccidia overgrowth until a chick developes it's own...
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