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  1. Wilber Farms

    Is it normal for chicken to huddle up in a corner at night?

    Well the last few nights we have been putting all the chickens on the roost when I went out to close them up for the night and last night they were all up there! I was so proud.
  2. Wilber Farms

    Is it normal for chicken to huddle up in a corner at night?

    Tonight we put them all up on the roost so we will see how it goes. A couple of them kept jumping off and I would pick them up and put them back on. They would just sit on my hand like and eagle at a show. It was kind of neat
  3. Wilber Farms

    Is it normal for chicken to huddle up in a corner at night?

    I know they can get on the roost cause when i go out in the morning they are on it! They are still young we haven't gotten any eggs yet!
  4. Wilber Farms

    Is it normal for chicken to huddle up in a corner at night?

    Every night when I go outside to shut my chicken in their coop they are hunddled up in the corner and not in the nest boxes or the roost. Is this ok?
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