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  1. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    You have done so much for all of these geese, and for those of us who adopted them. I can hear mine calling right now, because they know it is time to go in for the night. I don't know what else to say. I hate to think of you being upset for Thanksgiving, when you of all people should be able...
  2. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    SO glad to hear Spirit is doing so well!! Also glad to hear about the progress on your Suburban - you are quite the handy girl!! At least the snow stopped long enough for you to get that done!
  3. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    I'm not too worried about Atticus and Finch right now, as I've seen no indication that they are not both ganders. I just wanted the information for future reference. Thanks for that information, though! Nice to know they have been vent sexed so many times.
  4. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Well, I sure won't be drawing blood myself, so if I need any DNA tests done it will be with Avian Biotech! Thanks for the information!
  5. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Do you have to go through a vet to use them or can anybody send a sample in directly?
  6. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Thanks, Janet!! That picture in the middle is exactly the way Atticus' wing looks, so I'm relieved to know he will wind up as handsome as your guy. So, did I read Celtic's advice to Marty correctly, in that geese molt in the fall? I haven't really seen evidence of molting yet, but maybe it's...
  7. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Thanks for the information, Janet. I haven't seen any other indications of molting, as they have really not lost many feathers since they came. Aside from the one weird wing, Atticus looks great and so does Finch. Hopefully, by spring he will look extremely handsome! I know they went...
  8. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Thanks for the help, Shellie! I didn't find any big wing feathers in his box when he arrived, so I guess he lost them before he got here. He's such a beautiful gander, I hope he gets his feathers back to normal soon! They are both getting much more used to me. I can now get within 3 feet of...
  9. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    It's only this one wing - the other one looks fine. Finch's wings look fine, too. That's what has me a bit confused about what's going on. If I could find out from Janet if it looked this way when she had him that might be a clue, too.
  10. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Maybe the third time will be the charm. Here goes: Yay! I got it to work after resending from my phone to my computer. So, what's up with those wing feathers? Janet, were they like this when you had him? I just wonder.
  11. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Okay, that picture is too small for anybody to see anything. Let's try this again: Well, I clicked large but right now the picture looks pitifully small. Maybe it isn't my fault. Who knows?
  12. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Sorry I haven't been on my lately, but I had to travel for business and then come home and cover for a colleague who is out of the country. It all kept me very busy but I have been reading the posts and keeping up, even if I wasn't posting myself. Thanks for thinking about us, Janet! And...
  13. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Wow, Janet, that was a close one! I'm glad nobody was hurt and while the damage is considerable, I guess it could be worse. People here have had their cars totaled by hitting a deer. I have my fingers crossed that Spirit's surgery goes well. I know everybody who follows this thread is...
  14. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    It looks like you had a wonderful trip, which you richly deserve. How nice to get to relax! Did you bring your own horses in? Atticus and Finch now make all kinds of noise when I come out to their yard, greeting me. They don't approach me, but are running away less. They'll stay in the...
  15. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    They now make lots of noise each morning when I let them out, like they are greeting the new day. I got them some toys with bells yesterday, but they seem a little tentative about them. They have played with them a little bit, though. I'm trying to take better pictures of them, but it is...
  16. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    I really am. Today when I let them out they were making all kinds of noise for the first time. It was great! This cool weather must feel really good to them!
  17. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    A cold front came through last night and it rained like crazy earlier today. I went out in a poncho and checked on the birds, and both the ducks and the geese seemed to be really enjoying the cool, wet weather. I was concerned last night because it didn't seem like they were eating much. So I...
  18. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    I'm with you on the house goose thing. If you can train an animal not to go to the bathroom in your house, like a dog or cat, then fine it can live in the house. If you have to diaper it from day one then it needs to be outside. Just the way I see it. I have read stuff on here from people...
  19. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    No, I never read that article. I remember when George McGovern ran for president, but I would never have connected him in any way with Atticus Finch.
  20. LightningTFarm

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    It is a great book, you are right. I was an English major and to me reading is like breathing, but it seems like nowadays most people would rather watch a film than read a book. But, you have to admit, the film was extraordinary! I love your goose names, too, especially the biblical ones...
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