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  1. hugapug

    Anyone else have chicks shipping this week?

    Oh my gosh, how cute are they!!
  2. hugapug

    Anyone else have chicks shipping this week?

    My original plan was just 2 silkies. Then it turned into 4 silkies. Then it was 1 silkie and 1 surprise Barred Rock. Now I wait for my 5 from MPC. So in roughly 10 days, I am going from 2 to 7. Is this what they call "Chicken Math"?? What's funny is that the buff is not the color I...
  3. hugapug

    Anyone else have chicks shipping this week?

    I'm expecting my shipment of 5 chicks next week, 2 assorted silkies, 1 assorted polish, 1 silver laced wyandotte and 1 buff orpington. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I hope the little ones make it ok in the mail. Reading about PulletSurpriseWinner's horrible situation was heart...
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