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  1. mketchum826


    Hey I'm in Denver too! There's a few Facebook groups (colorado chickens and colorado backyard chickens) that are great for advice if your on there! I had to rehome a roo last year it's not too difficult to find someone who will take one.
  2. mketchum826


    Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and helpful hints! My new girl is finally a part of the group they don't pick on her anymore and she steps right in the way to get snacks!! I'm so thankful and we've already gotten 4 eggs from her :)
  3. mketchum826


    Thanks guys ill try separating the meanies and just have her and a nice one. I do worry about her getting sick from the stress, I've never had to integrate chickens before so this has been tough!
  4. mketchum826


    We're over a week now and my girls are still being mean to the new one. She walks around so scared or doesn't even come out of the coop...
  5. mketchum826


    Thank you so much everyone! They are ok free ranging but still pick on her in tight quarters. She does however take over the roost the others won't roost with her. This morning it looked like maybe two were roosting. Idk I'm just hoping for the best...she's so sweet they should love her lol
  6. mketchum826


    So I introduced a new hen to my flock. My birds are 16 weeks the new one is a year old. My other birds are so mean to her that she walks around scared or sits inside the coop alone without food and water. I have to get her out and separate them for her to eat. I'm just not sure the best way to...
  7. mketchum826


    Hello everyone. I recently found out that my silkie is a rooster. We're not allowed to have roosters in Denver. Does anyone have a silkie hen they would trade me? My 3 kids are heartbroken we all loved the silkie so much! I feel that if I traded or even bought another silkie hen it would lessen...
  8. mketchum826


    Just some photos :) I found my silkie playing in the sprinkler too!
  9. mketchum826


  10. mketchum826


    Moved all of our girls out into the coop today! I was so excited to get them outside but I miss that sweet chirping already!
  11. mketchum826


    Yay congrats!
  12. mketchum826


  13. mketchum826


  14. mketchum826


    What should I be focusing on to help tell?? I have no idea what to look for to tell the sex of the chickens?
  15. mketchum826


    Ok any guesses on if these are both girls or if one is a boy??
  16. mketchum826


    How adorable. I miss when mine were that tiny, it goes by so fast!
  17. mketchum826


  18. mketchum826


  19. mketchum826


    Anyone in the Denver or nearby area with white or tan silkie chicks? Ive been searching for any from a few days to 3 weeks to fit in with my other baby chicks. Please let me know. Thanks :)
  20. mketchum826


    Congrats on your new son! Im glad everything is going good! My daughter turns 2 in June it goes by so fast. Enjoy these precious moments!
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