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  1. Dennis1979

    How Sick is This!

    Quote: Yes I have read that book as well as another Michael Pollan book called In Defense of Food. If anyone is interested I also recommend a book called the Contrary Farmer by Gene Logsdon. My brother gave me that book and it is a really good read. It's hard to put down once you start. Any...
  2. Dennis1979

    How Sick is This!

    Quote: Starvation of people in the third world is a completely different issue. In that regard we are no doubt better off. My point is that our system of food production, which was radically changed about 30 or 40 years ago, produces a lot of food at a low dollar cost but a very high cost in...
  3. Dennis1979

    How Sick is This!

    As I understand it, a vegan, in addition to not eating any animal products, wants nothing to do with any commercial use of animals so, for instance, no shoes made from leather, no leather furniture, no fur coats (obviously), no honey, no silk, no jello etc. Anything that has animal products in it.
  4. Dennis1979

    How Sick is This!

    I don't know you so I can't really say why this site interests you like it does. I can make a guess however, based on my own experience. Personally, I have a fascination with being self-sufficient and producing most of my own food would be a giant step in that direction. As I have come to...
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