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  1. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    Yea he hops on a leg or just walks really slow now, every time he runs he falls.. :(
  2. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    Ok his comb is red again but now he's hoping. Why.??
  3. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    @LaynaDon thank you so much it means alot! and I separate him from the others so he can get some rest and then I take him out so he can go mess around in the yard. :) @PatchOHvnChks thank you, and I will!
  4. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    This is my big baby.! He's doing WAY better than the past few day's and I thank God for everything and you guy's for helping me out the best you could.! He's the big white rooster, in the first picture he was walking to a hen bathing, and in the second one he started turning around and in the...
  5. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    Thanks everybody! I will buy the Duramycin when I can because it's far from where I live. I gaved him antibiotic water this morning and some soaked wheat bread and then I put neosporin on the swollen area bellow his eye. I checked on him a couple mintues ago and the swolling is lowering!! but...
  6. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    What were the symptons of the one that died? His comb is getting a little purplish too.
  7. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    Hey everyone he made it through the night thank God! But the area around his eye is still swollen :( however my mom put some neosporin around it, were going to give him some advil later for the swelling he is still weak but once we took him out he started crowing, hope it works! If anybody has...
  8. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    I will.!! but what kind of antibiotics do I use? I tried putting a warm cloth around his eye but he moved away
  9. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    I was doing research and it could be a sinus infection or coryza. But thank you guys! I will try this tomorrow if god allows him to live.. we'll see what happens tomorrow!
  10. love my animals

    Help please.!! Sick rooster :'(

    Today when I took out my hens out I noticed my rooster was acting weird, he has a swollen right eye and the left is starting to get swollen. He doesn't want to walk alot just sit. He keeps closing his eyes, he's pooping green now, and stands on one leg, the other hens are starting to eat his...
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