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  1. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    i completely agree. it seems like the "people" in the whole "of the people for the people" idea has become "dollars". they don't care what the most people want, they only care what the most money wants.
  2. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    wow. just, wow. it is hard to believe that these people are so either evil or incompetent (or both). they are making a complete farce out of our legal system. good luck next month.
  3. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    best of luck. hope things go well (or at least not badly).
  4. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    lol, that is the question i keep asking myself. somewhere without a lot of people, a real winter, but still able to have a decent veggie garden. oh, and decent internet (DH runs an IT company, kind of need the internet for that). not many places seem to fit that bill.
  5. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    you're probably right. really makes me consider becoming a hermit somewhere.
  6. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    turns out i can't legally have chickens on my property, i've only got 3 acres. and even if i had five i couldn't have the rooster. figure i'm ok though, the only complaint we've gotten from a neighbor was when we butchered our first roo. the neighbor actually missed hearing him. the neighbor...
  7. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    lol, that works too. i think he's mostly afraid that i'm going to want another coop soon (which of course i do, but that isn't the point). on the other hand, i get to buy some more rabbits next year instead, so it sort of works out. now, if we were to end up with a roo, it might be...
  8. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    somehow my DH is managing to resist the chicken math. he won't let me get any more birds yet, and probably not next year either even though we lost 3 of the chicks we bought this year and now 4 are going to be going to live with a friend and thus we have plenty of space for another bunch in...
  9. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    she is really pretty. my pullets are 16 weeks old, i am really looking forward to them starting to lay.
  10. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    i keep getting an error saying i don't have permission to view this topic. i created an account and it has been validated. any idea why i can't see it?
  11. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    for the sake of those of us new to being politically active, is there an easy way to find address/email address/phone numbers for contacting such people? and do you or someone else around here have some template letters? or at least guidelines for writing some? i would love to do my part in...
  12. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    sorry for all the losses. it is always hard. happy fall everyone i love this time of year. i know i seem to be in the minority for that, but i don't handle heat too well and have always found this to be the prettiest season. this weekend my group of friends had a harvest feast, with most...
  13. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    it has been raining over here pretty much all day. but it is the nice, soft slow rain that does plants good.
  14. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    that picture is really neat. ignore the mean people, their just jealous
  15. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    +1 poor tender semi-tropical plants of such tasty-ness
  16. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    a friend has decided to build a little coop to take my poor outcast Polish chick for me. she is going to take a few other pullets with her. she is thinking the Buff Orpington, the RIR and one of the EEs. they all came together initially, but since my older ISAs hate the Polish, they haven't...
  17. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    so many cute pictures in the last day or so the forecast for the weekend has me a little concerned. it is supposed to get into the thirties friday night. enough for me to be a bit worried about all the green tomatoes i am still hoping will ripen at some point. not sure if i should pick...
  18. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    my chickens even come running and i rarely give them treats. but they know if i come out the door from the garage i might be bringing food/treats. and they will follow me all the way out to the compost pile to see if i'm dumping anything worth eating.
  19. Amastacia

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    yesterday evening i was sitting on the couch looking out the window at my back yard where the hens and pullets were free ranging and was once again surprised by how much i enjoy having them. there were even any especially funny antics, they were just wondering back and forth from the crab apple...
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