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  1. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Get a really nice treat like meal worms and lure them all into your coop then lock them in there for a week. It shouldn't take much at all. Sooner or later they will all find your chickens water and food source and at least kinda get an idea of where they belong, especially if your neighbor...
  2. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Great looking birds btw.
  3. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    That's a nice looking rooster. Wish I could help you out.
  4. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Work something out with your neighbors. Your chicken will learn where its supposed to stay if you lock it up in your coop for a week. Their birds need to be locked up in their coop too. They'll learn. Good luck!
  5. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    There are some beautiful farms down in that area.
  6. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Our coop is 16' x 22' so space is not a question. Segregation (layer/broodies) and chick access to their nest is our issue. I'm always stacking blocks so they can access the marketed aluminum nests. (Which are going outside.) I'll get this figured out. Where is chicken yoda when we need'm(r)....
  7. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hey Ganders, Does anyone see a significant difference in egg production when one places the nesting boxes in a dark area or not? I'm thinking about constructing nesting boxes so all my nests face north and are three to four inches off the ground in my coop. I'd also like to have a separate...
  8. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I want eggs and morels - thats it :D
  9. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    That must have been very nice. We planted some. Lets see if it works (spores). $32 for a box of spores. We'll see.
  10. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    what? not sitting at the base of a dead elm or popal tree following the root system? wow, looks like in the yard amongst some pine needles and grass. i normally don't look there either - LoL. good luck with your morels...very nice!
  11. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thanks. You guessed and spot on. I didn't have to harvest her at all. She had a beer belly and thats it, which was a byproduct of her fatty liver - or brown liver. I think I could of reversed that with an optimal diet over a few weeks isolated focus. Well now I know what I'm looking at. I want...
  12. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    yeah permethrin worked in some places, but they look really sick after spraying them with that. kinda leaning away from that now. ill try the jelly.
  13. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Well I looked inside. I dissected her. There was no fluid. The sagging lump was a pot belly fat gut. She could have been the one that snuck into my worm bag though. Sneaky. I have a lot of pictures, but they might gore some here out so I won't post. Anyhow, her liver was brown instead of bright...
  14. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    i'll look inside.
  15. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    has anyone seen a swollen sagging abdomen on a hen before? it kinda looks like a bubble gut hanging below the vent area. feels smooth (not gritty or lumpy) and mooshy. Any ideas?
  16. bobhoke

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Looks like it may be an early summer. Is it illegal to kill hawks in Michigan and are there any specie of hawks that are endangered? Thanks! - Bob
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